Jeremy Boone is a coach with a single focused mission to help leaders at all levels become bolder, braver, and better in order to become a leader worth following. Based out of Charlotte, NC, he is an internationally recognized performance coach, best- selling author, published researcher, and the creator of the LeaderKitâ„¢ Program- the fastest way to build more influence, create impact, and get your mission accomplished. In November 2019 he gave a TedX Talk titled ‘The Courage To Connect- Why The World Needs More Of You.’ that has now become a staple in many leadership curriculums.

Since 1995 he has worked with over fifty World Champions & Olympic Medalists in six countries coaching high performing athletes and organizational leaders. Jeremy is also the host of the iTunes featured podcast ‘Coach Your Best’ reaching over 400,000 listeners/subscribers.


Twitter- @athletebydesign

Facebook- @WinningLeader

Instagram @athletebydesign

LinkedIn- @coachboone